RE:Over 7 in 5 trading daysHuge congrats Hendrick! You deserve it!
On those red days in the summer, you never disappeared...even when this board got polluted with trolls.
And thanks for the post on Bonterra...hahhahaha...someone had to say something on the BNE board. If you didnt post then I would have. Lol I would have more agressive but one post is enough no need for me to rub salt in the wounds of bne shareholders.
A person should celebrate success and not be ashamed of it though
I had a few days, espcially that day OBE hit 2.85....that I would not even look at certain tabs on my brokerage account. I really don't know how low my port got or how large loss was. I would quickly sign in...go to a trade page that just showing my buying margin only so I knew how much money I needed to come up with.
I will always rememeber both the 2.85 day and the 7 dollar day. At 2.60...half of my port would have been lidiquadiated.
I basically f*ckin was paying my day to day living bills on credit cards in august as that margin call was horrible to cover.
But oddly I would do it again...the energy and rush of having to be so perfect...I feel 10 years younger. Like living in your own movie.
This still doesnt feel real OBE at 7 dollars. Feels like a f*cking dream each morning when I wake up.
I don't feel stress yet I feel stressed...and I think just from the energy level
We actually do alot of similar moves. I was going to buy to some YGR today.
Only reason I didnt is I wanted it at 1.64 and I really didnt want to sell any oil short (hod).
I hoping to pump YGR buys as I unwind and sell HOD...sure I will have to work for it.
Hendrick3 wrote: Our stock is on fire. I have seen rallies like this but never where I owned a boatload of the stock. I can't keep celebrating like this. My kidney and liver are not pleased.