Are you the same guys who predicted TAAT would be trading soon at $80/share? How's that prediction working out? It was a tad too high don't you think? Your current predictions are just as unrealistic and just as unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Thanks for the fine example of Irrational Exuberence so the newbies know what to look for and what to ignore.
Eskimoman (55)
January 11, 2022 - 11:43 AM
Post# 34303833
RE:Sale the pack a day sold X 2000 stores.....two packs a day......three packs a day.......and so will take time....but i can wait.....imo Europe will take to this product faster than the US.....see you in five years....In Setti We Trust....GLTA.....
constion50 (89)
January 11, 2022 - 11:46 AM
Post# 34303856
I do the same thing and then start doing the math with 10000 stores or 100000 stores and the numbers start getting big!!!!
Eskimoman (55)
January 11, 2022 - 11:56 AM
Post# 34303932
.....they don't get big....they get HUGE.....but it WILL take time....