RE:RE:RE:RE:CEO leaving#groudskeeper, doesn't risk averse mean that Schweizer must have legitimate doubts about the technology? After all, he has let many of his stock options expire over the years. And if the only scientist invests only with his heart, isn't that a lack of confidence for investors? After all, Invetsors can also just wait and see or sell their shares. The ceo leaves the company, approx. 80% share price losses over the last few months with declining turnover, no insider purchases, no really positive news for almost two years. Where is the announced new JV, where are the announced updates on Clarisoy? None of this sounds positiv. And the market is growing and growing with more and more successful products and competitors. Burcon, on the other hand, has produced nothing but patents for over 20 years, and even ADM has failed. The situation is similar for Netsle and Merit, at least there is nothing positive to report.