The so called "transaction choice"Good luck to all those, who sent out that form for the "transaction choice". If you had decided for any of the three options and had sent out the form, you had formally decided to "Tender" you PVG shares in a written form. Simply read the text.
It is a trap ! Be careful about this "Transaction Choice Form". I had warned you about it.
The only way to stop this filthy stink "transaction" is to vote "Against" on your "Voting Instruction Form" and to submit it with your control number.
The "Voting Transaction Form" and the control numbers were sent out exactly over Christmas days by email from the brokers. In some cases perhaps also per paper post.
I myself voted "Against" on the "Voting Instruction Form". I received the same day a confirmation of my voting decision from my broker. I did not sent out this filthy "Transaction choice" / "Tender" form !