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Dynamite Blockchain Corp C.KAS

Alternate Symbol(s):  CRYBF

Dynamite Blockchain Corp., formerly CryptoBlox Technologies Inc., is a Canada-based blockchain technology infrastructure company. The Company is focused on building out its diversified blockchain ecosystem strategy that consists of Kaspa, digital asset mining and infrastructure, mining products and technology, and structured digital asset products and blockchain payments. Its infrastructure is based on the value chain that stems from off-grid/alternate energy powered digital asset mining, along with a diversified portfolio of sustainable mining and blockchain fintech products and services enabled by both the sustainable mining products and technology and structured blockchain products and services divisions. It is focused on providing alternate energy solutions to power digital asset mining operations throughout North America (Redwater, Alberta). Redwater is a modular air-cooled data center facility powered by flared gas and equipped with heat recapture capabilities.

CSE:KAS - Post by User

Post by Kaiseron Jan 13, 2022 12:30pm
Post# 34313193

Boiler room clowns

Boiler room clowns

No other explanation other than a group of paid trolls defending this dumpster fire. Paid to spew the same old garbage. "Shorts this shorts that" meanwhile the share price has dropped 90%

Millions of shares "traded" without movement. Washing shares rinse and repeat at the vulture exchange. 

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