RE:RE:Dumbazz shortscum still at itCommon meet ossyw11. A billionaire with deep pockets. Did you guys link up yet and maybe co-ordinate together.
CommonCentsforDollars wrote: A group of Bulls with some deep pockets could co-ordinate to squeeze these calksuckers like no tomorrow. She is primed. You wouldn't know it though the way it is trading. Crazy.
ossyw11 wrote: I do like creating special groups of vetted, legitimate real long belivers - who have the knowledge and capacity to trap naked short sellers. My friends are Toronto/London/NYC based investors - but yes we have access to many skilled and very intersted long buyers in other places. All of them know how to play the game.
I like your real-world posts common - have been watching them for a while. We should connect. Please email me and I will show your my cards.
ossyw11 wrote: I'm an online gaming founder and watched that market grow from zero to $100B, mostly in the last decade. That was fun to watch and be part of and the regulatory complexity associated with supplying and consuming multijurisdictional gambling products internationally reminds me of this industry.