RE:Its not a dream....its in their presentation I highly doubt they will be debt free, not that they can't do it as the maths work, but they will make acquisitions before then and push back the dept free date.
A few years ago when they were restructuring the balance sheet and in recovery they expressed an interest in acting and being like a large integrated like Suncor. If there is still that interest, I'd expect them to invest in accretive things.
Being debt free is a nice tag but it's also overrated, if they can borrow money at 3-5% and make acquisitions or upgrades that adds 10-15% value year over year, take on the debt as long as the leverage doesn't get out of control like it once did...
Eric Nuttel loves to talk about all these companies being able to be debt free and able to re-purchase all thier shares, but he uses those statements to drive home a point about how well they are with FCF currently, but does he believe all these companies will be free of debt or take themselves private, highly unlikely, they will spend to grow, upgrade and better position the outlook in the future.
That said, I do believe a few will get to and spend some time debt free, but I don't feel Cresent Point is one and as a shareholder I'm ok with that if we spend effectively and it helps my wallet get bigger.