BIOV SHORTS ARE SITTING @24 ONLY 50K~WE'LL EAT ON CAT BOUNCESmall stack 50K @24 just enuf to create a lil fear for noobs, allowing Brokers to gobble.............. on the way back up into the close.
NOt pumping just basic advice......never sell on a Friday afternoon, with sky rocketing volume, Brokers obviously positioning themselves, cross trading galooorrrre AND NO NEWS!! So buckle up noobs!
Bar hopping under these conditions in a BIO PHARMA company, in this environment can lead to a very sore a$$ just a tip no pumping.
Invest or don't invest, I roam the hills a lone wolf, I post for the investors holding shares. All sideliners I have nothing to offer you!!
BIOV train disembarked @185 very quickly with no news
Insight should tell ya THIS SP has not only disembarked....... but by the trading pattern and volume today, it looks like we are on a smooth ride up for sunset cruise for 2022!!
BIOV will move on its own merit.
Hence the Brokers have leaked news......... going into this weekend.
uhhh BIOV 52 week high is @78, we licked @18....hence a cat bounce and NO NEWS yet!
Under normal conditions, dull doji trading Brokers, encourage NOT window dress over the weekend!!
Obvious that is not the case here today!
Brokers are taking positions, lots and lots of cross trading this Friday and frankman is right shorts are here not massive, but they place short orders to make money not lose it sheesh they are everywhere.
Shorts wear the CROWn for money made in 2021, ahhh duh global pandemic businesses locked down.
Everybody made adjustments and had restrictions, limitations during this crisis, even the President.
ONLY......ONLY the SHORTS sailed right on through without one limitation!!! truth
That is white crime and the Regulators held their hand the whole way!!!!
A temporary period of time should have been implemented on the penny stocks for the shorts.
No shorting allowed on penny stocks, small growing companies during a business lockdown.
That did not happen.....white crime!!
EVERYBODY including a 5 yr old kid could tell ya in 2020, the market was going to decline on businesses shut down hello fast forward inflation.
Demand is quadtruple the supply on everything!!
But but but .....SHORTING........ is not a level playing field.
How could our government be in a crisis obtaining test kits when we are 2 YEARS into this???
Its not a conspiracy...this is how they wanted to re set the world.
First, depopulate and get rid of the weak.
Did you know a mother rabbit eats the dwarf bunny? Truth!!
Even a mother rabbit will not allow her weak to survive!
Back to short business...the shorts is very similar
It's like a football team is on one half of the field and a soccer team is on the other half.
The football TEAM (SHORTS) ......has full range of the field BUT BUT BUT the soccer team (honest investors) MUST only play in their half of the field.
THOSE are the laws implemented by REGULATORS!!!!!
If you do not have $300K cash LIQUID .......not a dang broker will take a short order from you or even acknowledge you, that is how you get to play on the football team!! Forget the 5 banks!!!!
KK thats my Rick Mercer RANT.....on white crime in penny stocks and Regulators holding hands, stealing MEGA trillions from honest investors in shorts attack gains for 2021, during a global pandemic!!
A diverse portfolio is the only way to protect yourself.
I got my eggs in 18 baskets!!
Pick on somebody your own size "A" ehh lol
Sorry long post, just giving the noobs something they can bite into!!
I Hate it when the youngins lose money. truth