RE:RE:RE:HEXO IR Confirms F200 Partner Signed (Jan 14, 2022) So in other words queertard - what you're saying is that you have no email to support your no-news confirmation of a F200 partner from Hexo IR, which was just a confirmation of a SSL greasy snake oil salesman claim from an interview SSL did last year - prior to his being terminated as CEO for incompetence.
True or not though - nothing has changed from that interview and today. There is supposedly a partnership agreement - which means NOTHING without reading the agreement says - on developing products and then testing them.
According to your post - that you refuse to provide evidence to back up - the 'agreement' seems to eb at a standtsill from where itw as when SSL, you Saviour, opned his PUMP AND DUMP mouth.
Just like you're doing
quinlash - (1/15/2022 8:33:40 AM) RE:RE:HEXO IR Confirms F200 Partner Signed (Jan 14, 2022) meowmeowmeow wrote:Hi Quin, I have no reason to doubt the validity of your claim but it would put alot of our minds to ease if you provided a screenshot of this email correspondence.
What would
really put your mind at ease is if you email and ask the same question so you can have it
ON FILE in your own email account.
If enough of us email in we may get lucky and HEXO IR will include the response as part of their FAQ Section on their webpage then we have it for reference.