Appreciation for TD12, San Guido1 and RetiredCFThanks so much for the original informaion TD12 and SG...oh RetiredCF... I have been reading your comments and good research on this and some other boards for years.
Although this is unrelated, there is an underappreciated Stock, DHT.UN that I am advising everyone to look at. It's a drug royalty company lauched this year by a group of sesoned pros... but the investor community has been flat on it. With the regular and special dividend it yeilds about 10%... and the payout ratio is only in the 25% ratio. From what I can see... it trades about 2.5 x EBITA... but it has 90% margin. Anyways.... one of the few things I have seen that have great potential withough being dependent on commoditie prices or some sort of technological breakthrough.