We are here to post TM FACTS !!!!!! Nothing else...RED DEER has orchestrated to mutilate this board with all of his multiple 44 aliases , confirmed and maybe more..... HE IS A BIGGOT and the biggest Stockhouse FLEABAG to ever be allowed on these boards......He will LIE and try to tell everyone that it his not HE doing this ......BUT IT IS RED DEER that single handed taken it on himself to post disgusting videos and troll bearing posts....... PUT HIM AND ALL HIS ALIASES ON IGNORE AND DO NOT READ HIS POSTS...........PLEEEAAASE WE SEEK SAFE HARBOUR FROM HIM AND ALL HIS MULTIPLE ALIASES  

LETS EVERYONE WORK TOGETHER TO CLEAN UP THIS BOARD AND OTHER ONES THAT RED DEER HAS TAKEN ON HIMSELF TO MUTILATE , HUMILIATE , RUIN and make fun of the less fortuante family's and people from his posts >>>>><<<<<