Cap ExI have been saying for a while that after years of extreme austerity, they have accumulated quite a backlog of neglected maintenence and cap ex and that it will take some time to repay this maintenance defecit. The $80 million figure is a touch suprising (especially as it excludes the new efficiency initiatives they have yet to disclose or cost out). However, in the end it is the sign of our return to financial health that they can finally address the neglected plant and ensure we continue to run without breakdown... $80 million is equivalent to $2/lb of Ni production and fingers crossed we are already seeing the price rise that much over last year. In terms of those other efficiency initiatives they speak vaguely about them and say they are "in the years ahead". They are anticipating a long boom here. I would think though that the slurry plant and other 'debottle-necking' initiatives they keep mentioning are included in the $80 mil