RE:RE:AwGutterGuy, the post by AW leaves me with a good feeling. I love the comparisons to other properties in the area. TOC has done bottle roll experiments with over 90% recovery, so they are inline with recoveries and concentrations suggesting TOC could bring their main zone into production in a relatively short time period.. The gold is right at the surface in a number of areas, which also means this property will be a low cost open pit mine (low strip ratio). Today the markets are getting hammered, so I expect better days ahead for TOC once market conditions improve.
For comparison:
Direct neighbors of Tocvan's Pilar project include Minera Alamos Inc.'s Santana gold mine (market value: $245 million) at average grades of 0.65 g/t gold and Argonaut Gold Inc.'s Colorada gold mine (market value: $647 million ) averaging 0.59 g/t gold. Both are highly profitable gold mines that are mined using a low-cost open pit method. Minera's Cerro de Oro side project has 630,000 ounces of gold resources averaging 0.41 g/t gold and is also expected to be brought into production quickly (thanks to the benefit of an extremely low strip ratio, i.e. ore occurring directly at surface). Magna Gold Corp.'s restarted San Francisco gold mine in northern Sonora. (stock market value: $70 million) has residual resources of 1.4 million ounces of gold averaging 0.45 g/t gold (albeit with a high strip ratio; ie lots of waste rock/tailings, which was the case at Magna last year technical malfunctions in the processing process). Ergo: Gold ore occurring directly on the earth's surface with a content of at least 0.4 g/t is considered to be extremely profitable in the Mexican state of Sonora, since the low production costs are far below the current gold price.