Nortzy2727 wrote: ok ,to the serious posters on here pro and con,whos going to call the bottom?
Trading sideways for a bit yet, maybe.
The US side got kicked right in the Sachs today. A close over US$0.142 on the CBWTF side might be a potential signal of a pending up tick.?
Hard to call bottom when the ETFs keep increasing the float by renting out shares to Short. Looks like rates are rising though so the Short margins are getting tighter.
With interest rates set to tick up over all, many are getting edgy and cautious. 2022 is a new and unfamiliar animal...
I'm still waiting patiently to hit the RESET button FULL ON, but my trigger finger is gettin' reeeal itchy!!
Auxly Q4&FY-2021 report is due no latter than March 31, 2022. That will only confirm that which the Auxly investment community already knows. As well, expect AUXLY's steps forward to become more defined.
Just give me a sign. One bloody good excuse is all it'll take.
Time to raise that stink bid cause if this ain't bottomed yet, it ain't far from it.
This could turn at any time.
Hey, maybe with the whole Party Gate thing Borris could get turfed and the cannabis debate come up in the ensuing debacle as others scramble to push for an early election in the UK. Not likely but crazier things have happened.
Good ole BJ. What a twaaaat !!!
'I thought it was an official function.' FFS!!
Hang in there mates!