Yes Majors are super qualifird partners,but, the work continues on their terms and shedules.
Luiperd well drilled by TOTAL with AFE as a partner and lease holder..assigned TOTAL the operatorship and larger % of the pie. They hit a large Gas well which is very valuable to South africa as they need that power source and have the infrastructure to support more Gas to it's systems. It has been months since drilling and no dates to return yet as far as I read. AFE small company like OYL, are now waiting on TOTAL and where this sits on their agenda. I would hope KAWA 1 ( looking good ), IMO,would attract more activity to get back at the area...but who knows? We wouldn't want to wait severa lmonths out before more work, as the sp will sag off the momentum . So yes a Major company in the intermediate term might get back to it or knowing what they would have in their back pocket ,if, the well is sweet, which all indicators seem to point to a comparible find possibly , and so there might be that delema for CGX/Frontera , any thoughts folks?
Good Luck Gang.....looking good