RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:So WHATS GENMS FUTURE VALUE BASED ON REAL BUSINESS METRICS?Okay, I'll bite. Since you are so smart and want to show everyone, then explain to me how this applies to microcaps, low trade volume stocks such as GENM and to GENM in particular.
This is a GENM board afterall, not one where one should pretend not to insult others when they complain about others do it to them. Almost every other line of reply is an insult, btw, you rattled or something?
run forrest run - as in Forrest Gump, meant to insult and imply a lack of inteligence (and ableist)
Duhhhhhh - same
You dont need to be genius - and again insulting intelligence
Go buy more shares to trap the shorts forrest! - Forrest, again meant as an insult
You all think I dont know what Im talking about yet Im a manipulator LMAO
which one is it Forrest? - and again the Forrest insult
You have an oportunity to load up more shares to prove me stupid and wrong. - "stupid and wrong" are my insults to you, I find this more more insultig than anything else you've written to me so far
Go for it Forrest. - really imaginative insult after using the same insult 4 times in the same reply
Great entertainment. Better than watching Days of our lives right Jamie! - I don't even know your angle with this bizarre insult, but here we are.
This, again, is your conflicted mind at work. It's doesn't know how to react to the confict, so it tries and fails as evidenced by your Forrest Gump insults.
Is this really all you got? Dig, dig.