Despite the pro pot sentimentmost governing bodies actions are speaking louder than their words.
Market crash??? Depends on what stocks you hold. Correction is imminent but there are always silver linings in the clouds.
Marijuana is getting the serious right evaluation happening, even the US MSOs who have done much better than the Canadian LPs. Smart US potpreneurs have navigated their way to building some profitable companies, using every trick they have and doing work arounds with heavy reliance on State Law protection, which the Feds have honoured to the best of what I can figure.
Non US companies are doing their own work arounds but seriously honouring what the Feds have legislated and unwilling to dive into the US but also unwilling to let it go. Canopy has figured that doing branding deals with US MSOs like Acreage Holdings is a way to get skus on shelves in the much larger US market without repercussion from the Feds.
The Holy Grail for the US is marijuana and hemp descheduled from Federal jurisdiction and a All-State approved legislation that makes the legalization universal and applicable in any jurisdiction with an Interstate transport condition on par with free trade between all States.
The US potpreneurs have done an amazing job given that they are trying to operate in a clusterfuch of legislation that can only be described as excessive and overbearing.
I watched a current documentary on tv last night that was focused on pot in California. What is going on is significantly huge with a high illegal component with massive supply mostly going out of State, illegally! The ghist of what I gleaned out of this is that marijuana consumption is growing and that a lot of illegal operations are trying to go legal but give up because of the cost, harassment and difficulty in getting licesnes and inspections. All of the usual players are involved and it is high risk because of the cash, lack of financing and support for the illegal operators and yet most US MSOs are able to generate positive cash flow and profits.
Sadly our chosen MSO, Acreage Holdings, while significant in size and future potential with licensing and bricks and mortar aren't quite profitable yet, but we are promised, soon!
Pretty much all of the potpreneurs with potential for success got overvalued initially and there has been some serious re-evaluations and right-sizing going on which has spelled disaster for the latecomers.
I credit Canada for their innovation in legalizing pot for rec adult use which opened eyes by the shareprice appreciation of the good ones. Canada has made a lot of mistakes that are suppressing the potential of these pot companies but it has been a testing ground for a lot of the rules and regulations as well as market-testing skus.
I believe that the US lawmakers, politicians and such have gone to school on what has happened in Canada and are putting together bills that have taken into consideration, heading off some of the problems, WHEN they can push through some legislation to decriminalize marijuana and remove it from Fed jurisdiction.
A big part of the delays in pushing pot legalization through is probably political donations from beverage alcohol holding out 'til the last gasp.
Canopy has a huge multi-unicorn company Constellation Brands that joined Canopy for the future as they see it. They came waving $5 billion C dollars to be a part of the change and part of first strike advantage to move proactively towards the future they see for cannabinoid infused beverages and their place in future marketshare.
They also inked a deal to assume the formidable (currently out of favor) Acreage Holdings for a lot of the essential parts they will need for planting Canopy's flag on US soil for rapid infiltration.
Canopy and Bruce Linton dreamed all of this up and opened investors eyes to the potential of safe, legal skus to compete with the very profitable black market that existed prior.
Big Money talks and I don't think Constellation through Canopy and Acreage are going to sit quietly and lose more investors confidence and dollars.
5 billion is a pretty positive statement and US legalization will launch a greenrush that will make Canada's look like child's play. I'm betting that Constellation will step up if they need to to push their agenda. They were the first to put up serious coin to be a part of the change that is coming for our new vice and I suspect their interest is cannabinoid infused beverages that will fit into their wheelhouse nicely with the right legislation currently being lobbyed for.
glta and dyodd