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Canopy Growth Corp T.WEED

Alternate Symbol(s):  T.WEED.DB | CGC

Canopy Growth Corporation is a cannabis company. It delivers innovative products with a focus on premium and mainstream cannabis brands, including Doja, 7ACRES, Tweed, and Deep Space, in addition to category-defining vaporizer technology made in Germany by Storz & Bickel. The principal activities of the Company are the production, distribution and sale of a diverse range of cannabis and cannabinoid-based products for both adult-use and medical purposes under a portfolio of distinct brands in Canada. Its Canada cannabis segment includes the production, distribution, and sale of a range of cannabis, hemp, and cannabis related products in Canada. International markets cannabis segment includes the production, distribution, and sale of a range of cannabis and hemp products internationally. Storz & Bickel segment includes the production, distribution, and sale of vaporizers. This Works segment includes the production, distribution and sale of beauty, skincare, wellness and sleep products.

TSX:WEED - Post by User

Comment by Starsearcher80on Jan 19, 2022 3:08pm
Post# 34334214


Absolutely.  I had the good fortune to have mentors teach me the ropes, out of nothing more than their own generosity.  This stock is an absolute textbook classic of what can go wrong, and how people on these message boards will pump the hell out it and possibily suck in others.  I don't mind doing what I can to at least help these people, who would otherwise be fleeced into buying, maybe think twice and avoid the inevitable loss.

Also textbook is the rant of the people who absolutely married the stock, and threw any rational discourse out the window.  That their portfolios are now in tatters is what they get for their stupidity.  Again, if others can avoid the same fate, then that's a good thing.

DeepTrueShip wrote: So I was right! You have taken this on as your constant full time job out of the goodness of your heart.

Your passion comes from your deep desire just to protect strangers from themselves!!

The countless hours that you have spent is nothing compared to all of the thanks I see you not ever getting.

Now look in the mirror and say it. You know it is a lie

You are here to pray on vulnerable desperate people. Some are at their darkest of hours. And Worse This is your full time job!

I dare you to sit with your truth just for a moment and what you have become. This is your life

Think Big Picture = You spend all of your time preying on the weak and desperate. You are only here when this is the case.

Try spending some of that time instead helping your older nieghbors get through covid and this winter

Wolves eventually get slaughtered and the gentle souls prevail

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