WOULD YOU RISK YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY ON A MOUSE MODEL???From a fgroup that failed with cannabis, PEA COVID, multiple side deals....
It well know that mouse models are poor predictoirs in humans . Dont believe peopek, who say this iosnt the samer-are tyou going to trust A DJ promoter or a scientist????? Why animal studies are often poor predictors of human reactions to exposure
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The concept that animal research, particularly that relating to pharmaceuticals and environmental agents, may be a poor predictor of human experience is not new. A thousand years ago, Ibn Sina commented on the need to study humans rather than animals,1 and Alexander Pope's dictum ‘The proper study of mankind is man’ is well known and has been widely cited.2 Pharmacologists, in particular, have long recognized the difficulties inherent in extrapolating drug data from animals to man.3,4 Given the large number of animal studies conducted, it would be expected that some animal experiments do predict human reactions. For example, penicillin was observed to protect both mice and humans from staphylococcal infections,5 and isotretinoin (‘Acutane’) causes birth defects in rabbits and monkeys as well as in humans (although not in mice or rats).6