RE:3 posts from Urkman on ST (sorry, couldn't paste his links) Digs, I need not tell you the partnership with Bosch is huge. The announcement last month was largely overlooked, as have been most announcements since 12-1-'20 AWS/Ivy hookup... so be it. I've drawn attention to Chen & Co. holding a royal flush or near checkmatey across meaningful verticals for autonomous and secure connectivity revolution.
The patents sale will most likely happen sooner than later, but later than sooner isn't the end of the world. If anything, the FB win and obvious concern over who winds up with the patents, has only illustrated the real worth of BB's IP patent stash. 2000 infringement targets thus far untapped. Even the worst case or all sale deals being wiped, still offers extra FB cash (or potential shutdown) and IP being revised up and showing positive YOY.
Tough stretch for SP, but temporary, with all roads leading to Emerald City. Should is a word for trolls, malcontents and losers, but we all know where we 'should' be trading were analysts and WS willing to connect dots and look ahead based on partnerships or simply taking blinders off. I am noticing that we're now being linked to cybersecurity peers at MarketWatch... that's a positive. The trolls will have us believe BB is a non profit, giving away their products and doomed to weak revenue based on an extinct legacy hardware business and the convenience of IP income relegated to holding stance throughout prolonged negotiations. Their other bs argument is to suggest the CEO and largest shareholder are crooks. They have nothing beyond FUD.
It's all good, though, for when the ride gets going it'll go too high and too soon. Most difficult decisions will be when to lighten up or fight greed tendencies. When it comes to selling... as Frankie Goes to Hollywood once sang, 'relax don't do it.' :) Obviously, I'm just another bagholding bozo and not suggesting anyone buy or selld BB or any other ticker. ;)