Order for 10,000 Smart Miners
What a complete bag of word salad! Tell me no one else got a chuckle after reading the name of this thing.., The "Robe2" LOL.
Well, I think Robbie Abernate is on more than his 2nd "protocol" LOL!! The Robbie 2, just couldn't help himself.
Where's the link to the Renewable Energy Alliance you're so proud of? Ya, there isn't one and you know why? It's all fluff too. Try looking them up, too many to choose from with slightly different names. Come on pumpers, give us a link!! One that shows the members they are involved with and the criteria to join etc. Surely they have a website?
What's that now? A company name, $49 and you're in? In where exactly? LINK LINK LINK
No trail, no proof = say what you want, word salad.