RE:Take over of AbcourtFbedard, thanks again for your encouraging words. When you present your argument with such strong conviction and common sense, I cannot in all honesty, disagree with you.
With that in mind, there can only be strong upside in the share price from hereon in. It is just a timing issue.
Personally, I hope that Abcourt's share price, like that of gold, gradually trends higher, even if only in fits and starts, at least for now.
For now, that should remain our main expectation or hope, at least until the commercialization of the Sleeping Giant mine, begins in earnest. The company needs to be a little more transparent about that issue. It's kind of important!
Even Renaud Hinse has the expectation that the company's revenue should at least, double in value, at this juncture in the company's growth.
That would get the company back on the right track. The accompaning, net profit growth, certainly remains, very uncertain. But I believe that every shareholder remains open to very pleasant, upside surprises.
From this point onward, I only see upside in our share price.
Once the Covid crisis subsides and the SG mine is up and running, as shareholders, we will be off to the races.
Those with the biggest holdings should gain the most! But that is always the case.
Fbedard, congratulations on the holdings that you so wisely chose to purchase.
No longer a trailer park boy, you have crossed the bridge to a much better life.
We all hope that we may live to see that day!
So I don't wish to plant Mr. Renaud Hinse in an early grave. He has earned his reward in whatever form, he wishes it to be!
Regarding Theoldmariner's comments, I sometimes agree with many of his points, as constructive and informative as some may happen to be.
But perhaps, he should have purchased a few more shares?
We seem to disagree about the future of humanity and Abcourt Mines.
I don't believe that the Earth is about to fall into the Sun. It would be in no one's interest for that to happen!
Mankind has always had many challenges that it has had to meet. So far, it has been reasonably successful in doing so.
We, as a species are still alive and many are thriving. As always, in nature, any species always struggles to survive. In our world, it is the character of our existence.
It may not seem fair. But that is the nature of this beast that our God, in his ultimate wisdom, chose to create.
Competition is the name of the game. It's up to us as individuals and our collective groups, just how much of our personal wealth, we may choose to share.
Each person and individual nations make this decision based upon their personal ethics and their worldly means.
If there is an abundance, it would be an act of kindness to share some of the wealth. But there is no law in this marvelous universe, that says, "it must be so!"
Just do your best, to press, your best ethical standards!
What more should anyone ask?
All the best! Java