RE:The market will prove me right - eventuallyhawgz1: All people fail until they succeed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well Zinc8 has been working for a long time with out the big success you are looking for. They have had small significant success on several occasions. In a word your gloom and doom forcast for the future has no more merit than your past dismal forcasts. Your last forcast was that we would see a pump and a spike in the share price which has not happened so you are back to your usual failure mode. You just cannot get the market correct and your track record is very bad long term and short term.
I peronally find your forcasting, ( AS IF YOU CAN SEE THE FUTURE) very annoying. I personally make no market forcasts as I know better. You seem incapable of learning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!