diabase1 wrote: Megacopper, next time you see the Rock Doctor, ask him what he thinks of the eastern Hermitage Fixture as a potential gold target. I know the western part has been explored for uranium, but I was wondering about gold in the east. Thanks.
Just had a conservation with the Rock Doctor on the phone. First thing he said was it's not Fixture it's Flexure. Lol Ok Rock Doctor sorry we don't know the right geology lingo. It's Hermitage Flexure he says. Oh my. He says who wants to know about that. Still a little bit paranoid. Haha. He goes yep I was down there in the early 70's with Noranda looking at a few properties.
He says there should be gold along that structure (he says it could be a folded fault that runs parallel to the coastline) but he wasn't down there looking for gold. He was down there looking at a small lead zinc showing and checking out a Tungsten deposit in from Grey River that Noranda was thinking about putting into production at the time. But yes he says there should be lots of gold along that structure. He says who got that staked up. I said I had no idea someone on stockhouse was asking about it. He says don't mention me on that damn internet. I don't want anything to do with that cr*p. The next thing they will be hacking in trying to steal my money. Oh my. Go back to watching TV there Rock Doctor. Lol