VET rated Buy Vermilion Energy Inc. (TSE:VET) Receives Consensus Recommendation of “Buy” from Brokerages
Shares of Vermilion Energy Inc. (TSE:VET) (NYSE:VET) have been given an average rating of “Buy” by the eleven ratings firms that are presently covering the stock, Marketbeat Ratings reports. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a hold recommendation and three have given a buy recommendation to the company. The average 1-year target price among analysts that have updated their coverage on the stock in the last year is C$19.32.
Several brokerages recently weighed in on VET. CIBC upped their target price on shares of Vermilion Energy from C$15.00 to C$19.00 in a research note on Thursday, January 13th. Royal Bank of Canada boosted their price target on shares of Vermilion Energy from C$17.00 to C$20.00 and gave the stock a “sector perform” rating in a report on Thursday, January 13th. JPMorgan Chase & Co. boosted their price target on shares of Vermilion Energy from C$11.00 to C$13.00 and gave the stock an “underpeform” rating in a report on Tuesday, November 30th. Scotiabank lowered their target price on shares of Vermilion Energy from C$16.00 to C$15.00 in a report on Tuesday, November 30th. Finally, BMO Capital Markets upped their target price on shares of Vermilion Energy from C$13.50 to C$15.00 in a report on Wednesday, October 20th.
VET stock traded up C$0.02 during mid-day trading on Friday, reaching C$19.51. The company had a trading volume of 2,489,060 shares, compared to its average volume of 2,061,558. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 105.31, a current ratio of 0.51 and a quick ratio of 0.31. The firm has a 50 day moving average of C$15.40 and a 200 day moving average of C$12.15. Vermilion Energy has a 12 month low of C$5.55 and a 12 month high of C$20.37. The company has a market capitalization of C$3.17 billion and a PE ratio of 4.24.
Vermilion Energy (TSE:VET) (NYSE:VET) last released its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday, November 9th. The company reported C$0.70 earnings per share for the quarter, beating analysts’ consensus estimates of C$0.34 by C$0.36. The firm had revenue of C$538.53 million during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of C$517.00 million. Analysts anticipate that Vermilion Energy will post 3.6400003 EPS for the current year.
About Vermilion Energy
Vermilion Energy Inc, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the acquisition, exploration, development, and production of petroleum and natural gas in North America, Europe, and Australia. It owns 81% working interest in 642,300 net acres of developed land and 87% working interest in 376,700 net acres of undeveloped land, and 613 net producing natural gas wells and 3,034 net producing oil wells in Canada; and 96% working interest in 248,900 net acres of developed land and 91% working interest in 222,100 net acres of undeveloped land in the Aquitaine and Paris Basins, and 325 net producing oil wells and 3.0 net producing gas wells in France.
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