RE:RE:Let's tax...Your "opinion" is that unvaxxed people are a threat to you and society and we should lose our rights because of your fear, bad health choices and false beliefs.
That's pathetic. All your favourite poeople at CNN, the CDC, Bill gates, Pfizer now admit and tell you the vax is self treatment, doesn't even work against Omicron (go watch Pfizer CEO), cloth masks don't work and that they have all (including most governments around the world) promoted error ridden data which they now acknowledge and is partly why they are easing up on the tyrannical mandates.
Given all of that, yes to your face you are part of what we free thinking folks call "sheeople" because you follow and do what your told
while demanding everyone do exactly like you or be punished. That's messed up bro.
I guess plenty of people in Canada are terrible at spelling just like you and I lolll
Listen, I support you having the freedom to uncecessarily cover your face with 5 masks, take 17 experimental vaccines and live in fear for the next 5 years while thinking your a hero to the people around you.
But I do not support this grand effort to punish people who choose not to live in the fear you demand they live in. I don't support this brain-washing tactic of calling that misplaced fear "compassion" for others. It's delusional and the people who originally sold that to you have already pivoted. You're just not watching, you're not listening. You've gone after people on this board in the same way you're accusing me of coming after you. It is what it is. Good old fashion debate. Sometimes we throw a few elbows lolll
The only choice of yours I'm insulting you on
intentionally is the idea that I should not have free choice over what I inject into my body. beyond that, let's be friends?! haha
masfortuna wrote: You got it backwards Snowy...
#1 I support your right to have an opinion and make choices and decisions based on those opinions. What I don't support is having you post here gratuitous comments and then insulting those that have a different opinion. Nobody asked you to share what you think of vaccines and then proceed to call everybody else a "sheeple".
Here is a little tidbit of info on me if this is too hard for you to understand:
I smoke and drink. I spent a good chunk of my life chasing beautiful women, I box and still get into the ring from time to time. All these activities are harmful to me but I choose to do them because I believe a life needs to be well lived. I also have a child and wife who are asthmatic (so I don't smoke at home) aging parents, and several friends and relatives who are immuno compromised. AND THAT'S WHY I WEAR A MASK AND I AM VACCINATED. I actually care about other people besides myself.
So seriously mate, come and tell me to my face that I am a sheeple and see if it's that easy for you to do as insulting me on your computer for making my choices.
Get it?
And fyi: "spelled" (39,200) is more common in Canada than "spelt" (2,470) "spelled" is the de facto standard on Wikipedia (261 v 45)