RE:YOU JUST WAIT UNTIL OIL PRICES CRASHES. IT WILL BE topadvisor1 (aka: Prof Cornelius.., Prof Corn on Cob) Thankfully snake oil is no longer in use.
-2yrs ago the virus was in its infancy, Planes, trucks, cars rolling across planet. Virus spread govts shut borders, lives, economies oil consumpiton dropped + Dems, Biden elected,slammed oil, gas
-EV maintenance cost are more due to chips, technology, battery, electical infrastucture needs. Add in conversion for outlets at residences. EV last no longer than current vehicles re:nature
-EV for average consumer not yet able to reach 400km on full charge. Worst went heat, a/c in use
-EV charging .5-1hr and thats while in use not doormant at night. Highway station line ups, hahaha
-EV battery replacement cost Thousands $$, use rare earth minerals, eviro/recycle hazard
Cost to develop new mineral mines, transpot, equipment, staff passed on to buyers $$
-Fed govts will slap a TAX on Hydro 'meter' usage for charging EVs(inevitable). Need to pay for rewiring voltage lines across Country. Homeowners pays $$ for rewiring residence $$$$$
-Gas, diesel will be in demand for reliability, long haul, industry, armies, standby, heating, cars