Are KRP auditors refused to audit YE'2021 FS ????Ahhh, maybe. Whatelse evil worst case might happen? STGO need to develop healthy normal governance, not the old KGB approach. Before Chinese/asian new year, Prime minister Oyun-Erdene said Government of Mongolia shall accelerate law enforcement against corruption cases of Development bank of Mongolia. Around MNT 841.0 billion (eq. US$ 400.0M) loans were classified as bad loan, no repayment. 2 of them from Gold-II programme. Additional MNT 1.5 trillion (eq. US$ 800.0M) loans awaiting to be classified as bad loan. MPP - Mongolian people's party agreed that there is no support for those who tied with corruption cases and participated in this bad loan issuance.
Well, that's how "political loan" works...