LATEST EARNINGS REPORT!!! Forgot to mention one other very important thing, with all the NR's that were continually repeated to death over and over throughout the year with no success or uptick in share price it's obvious the market saw right through all of that. It's really SNEAKY AND SLIMMEY of them how they swept their latest financial report under the rug and not posting it!!! WHY!!! As bad is it was and the info in it shame on them for acting so unprofessionally as a company and absolutely no transperacy none, all information is always so very foggy. They have racked up and sold 528,000,000 shares of the company with your money being spent and deluted with no money in the bank and no product!!! THEY WILL still exercise the Millions of the 1 cent warrants even if they can get 4 or 5 cents better than nothing , this means continued down pressure for a while with this and also Robert washing and selling his 55 million shares ACDC gave him for his fake company that added no value to ACDC. What set me off and decided to sell was the fact ACDC LOST 65% of IONiX Pro and ACDC received no money at all!!!They know what their doing! Milking it , hiding and shuffling what they need to for now as much as they can and DESTROYING shareholders value, as it won't matter later because it will all disappear soon in the transaction if there will be one. The shareholders will wake up one morning and the news will be out and you will be holding the bag at this low price never to regain what you lost. They will asses the low valuation of ACDC (achieved as planned) and convert to new shares of Daymak. If Daymak tries for example a $5.00 per share valuation and ACDC was at say 5 cents at the time then you will get 1 new share for every 100 you own!!! 100,000 becomes 1000 shares. It the market doesn't like it then it will get shorted to the ground and you lose even more.Heck maybe ACDC will do a 100/1 reverse split and don't merge with Daymak and then begin another promise rinse and repeat scam for new investors in 2022. Unlikely but possible as Daymak wants ACDC to go public. Bottom line these guys have rinsed and repeated many times and only care about themselves and their future to line their own pockets, definitely not yours. Time is ticking Daymak has to make some serious decisions including starting production and making a commitment for these batteries, should find out the details very shortly!!! my guess mid to late February news will be released.
Of course this is just my opinion, do your own DD.
Best of luck in the future!