SolutionsLet the people choose thier own medical care - government is saying both vaxed and unvaxed can transmit but supposedly the unvaxxed get more sick if they catch it.
OK let me have my complete freedoms back and I will pay a surcharge to the taxman if I end up needing long term hospital care. This comes with the caveat that I get to choose my own iearly care ntervention therapy (i.e. Ivermection and others ) and reject the non-effective and dangerous ones like Remdesivir. Many countries have virtually eliminated bad illness and death with early and alternative treatment (See Japan, Mexico, most India provinces, ...). New Hamsphire has a bill before it's legislature that would free up the use of Ivermectin for any purpose a DOCTOR sees fit. .
If you doctor is not aware of any of this then he is propbably just following orders and is not
a real doctor. These type of people will get you into trouble one day.
Above All Else Cut government support for the media, there is lots of it and they are going to be wanting more to keep this charade going - if they don not get this new many the "pandemic" will no longer be supported by the media.. This setup is stiffling debate and fair solutions like the one above.
You can cut some support for the paid-off and incompetent media but cancelling your cable sbsctiption - make sure you tell them why if if you do. The news media are not doing thier main job - protect us from government and big business interests.There are other ways to get news and entertainment other than a cable TV subscription.