Another day, another $160,000In order to generate $120M in cash over the next two years TV needs to make about $160,000 a day. That is likely how much they made today based on 200M pounds of zinc per year at $1.65 and $1.;20 total cost. 200M pounds X .45 profit = $90M pre tax or $60M after tax. My goal for TV is to see them raise all the money for RP2 out of cash flow. In order for that to happen they need to meet the low end of production forecast and the high end of AISC forecast with an average zinc price of $165. People on this board love to bash TV and kick them while they are down. The thing is that they arent't down. They are thriving. Since when is a company down that just produced a $10M profit even though $20M of their production didn't get sold? That was with zinc at $1.36 and zinc is now $1.65. Does that sound down to you? Yes, production is forecast to go down and AISC is forecast to go up, but they are still forecast TO MAKE A PROFIT OF .45 PER POUND with zinc at $1.65. How bad is that? Two years ago TV was selling zinc for .55 after treatment charges and losing .55 per pound. Today they are selling zinc for $1.30 after treatment charges($210)making .45 a pound and the stock is near it's low. Will zinc average $1.65 this year? It's anybody's guess. I expect zinc to average $1.00-$3.00 this year. The thing is if you buy TV you like zinc or you shouldn't be here. Last year when zinc was $1.30 we were all worried it was going to $1.10. Time will tell, but I like our chances. There is a realistic chance that TV can fully fund RP2 from cash flow. RP2 has a chance to be a BILLION DOLLAR BABY. Zinc at $1.60 and costs of .80 means $100M in profits. In ten years that could be $1B. Is $100M a realistic market cap with a company that has that kind of possibilities?