RE:RE:Freakin GROUNDHOG Day !! Quebec represents 15% of Canadian retail cannabis sales and little more than 20% of the available market population.
Now that Auxly has an established portfolio of Cannabis 1.0 offerings it would be a strategic faux pas for Auxly to ignore such substantial, low hanging fruit. Wouldn't, you agree?
stockman2021 wrote: What's the big deal about the Quebec market huh? Is that supposed to be some saving grace here? Why don't you ask Hugo about the shorting he and his old pal Rifici permitted to take place here when they jumped in the sack with a bunch of low life hedge funds? The stock has never recovered from that and you're out here telling everybody how great these guys are and your mates to hang in there. ROTFL! Everyone has taken a royal bath on this stock and you are totally oblivious to any of it.
I'm more concerned with the progress of the company than with the SP. Long distance runners don't sprint. They pace themselves and building an empire is a marathon task.
You wanna beatch about stock performance, then take a look around. There are an unlimited number of stocks in the mj space alone that have completely shyte the bed. Look at ACB or HEXO and tell me their stock has held up as well as AUXLY.
If Auxly has taken a royal bath then the others are blowing the Olympic Gods in a hot tub. lol
Keep shaking your head. It'll get the water out of your ears and as an added bonus it can make you dizzy too.... yay!
I'll give you the point on my sign off. It is getting a little old. A little weak and stale like, a Redecan Redee. lol
I'll try to change it up from here on out, then.
In return maybe you can go kick the dirt out of EMH.c . That's an actual scam job with a Securities Commission investigation and everything else you wanna wank about attached. Those dorks are gonna lose it all and yet they just keep playin games.
If ya know what I mean...
like the bull says - DYODD