Cylance is coming to all the connected cars....One last product they will launch this year. Currently there exisit no anti-virus for cars/trucks/drones. As cars become computers with app you need something like cylance. Very light weight and can work without cloud. No other anti-virus/melware product is as light and advanced as Cylance. This is a subscription based service so Ivy is NOT the only product with recurring revenue but cylance too.
From Q1 (June 2021 ER) - Will be 1 year since that statement this June. Cylance for Cars soon. Hereis original transcript on Page 8
Thank you, Steve. Before the Q&A, I’d like to update everybody on a few things. Although we have organized along go-to-market lines, there are a number of future high growth opportunities that our BlackBerry Labs is working on that harnesses the power of our entire technology portfolio. The first is applying our AI/ML engine in IoT. One good example of this is using Cylance in the car. You may remember at CES a couple of years ago, we demonstrated an early version of how our Persona technology, that identifies inappropriate access from a user’s behavior, can be applied to drivers of vehicles. We also demonstrated how our Protect EPP can be used to protect the connected car from cyber threats. These are just two of the number of potential use cases that we’re currently looking at.