RE:RE:Drill results Our lab is not accredited (although we have stringent QA/QC controls, including external validation) so we can't release exploration results, although we can release production (tonnage, mill grade, dore ounces, recoveries, etc.)
what was normally a 6 week turnaround (although we've had turnarounds as quick as 10 days) has turned into 16 weeks on average from the external lab (with some holes outstanding even longer.). So in moments of maximum frustration, we process pulps and rejects at our lab just to get a sense check on grade. We've gotten pretty good at visually "guessing". You show us mineralized core, we can do a pretty decent job of guessing the grade +/- 50%. So it's not like it's slowing down drilling because we're blind
For exploration we did a blast hole program which was exclusively processed at our lab, and we're in the process of requisitioning an RC rig which will also exclusively be using our production lab, and then we can revisit with core (RC is good for finding the zone, but pretty terrible for estimating grade and widths).
we do 40k samples a month at our lab. The RC and blast hole work may add about 10% to that, so it's a lot but not really a capacity constraint
agree on the share price!!