Recipe for RecessionLooks like oil will be above $100/bbl when they start the rate hikes in March. They may start with .25 increase but will then have to do a series of 0.50 increases to make up for lost time when they denied there was any inflation. So as oil marches to $150/bbl rates will march to at least 2% by year end so all of the free money will be gone. This will be like a parent letting go of baby's arms while learning to walk, baby will fall down many times before being to walk on its own. So maybe you want to get out of the kitchen and go to the tv room with cash and wait til the market has fallen to pre pandemic levels. There was suppose to be a economic boom when the pandemic ended, but thats not happening. Just resigning oureselves to an endemic that will have a couple of very bad waves a year that require some degree of lockdown.