Value investment
I've only been trading for a couple years so I could be wrong but I've been choosing stocks based on fundamental need of the product/service and value of the company PE. I'm glad to be holding Suncor because it seems to be priced the most affordably and there's nothing wrong with the company. In fact they have the best refineries, are vertically integrated, and have long term assets that have all been maintained in 2021 that will keep pumping money. I see more upside potential than downside risk unlike the other oil companies... Also Canadian Natural is known in the patch to have the least experienced operators, least safe roads, etc so I personally like supporting the companies that do things right and make decisions for the LONGTERM. Maybe I'm just less greedy but I think if people made long term decisions in managing companies the world would be a bit better of a place to (especially) to work in and to live in. These are my thoughts, let the sharks of wall street do as they will if they choose to feed the short term decision making beast.