I'll repeat my mantra...DO NOT SELL!Since my last post last week on this board, i has some time to abosrb ALL of the information being dessiminated on this froum & reflect deeply on it. Is this genuine information that's being shared on a honest level or is just a bunch of unfounded malarky being spread by a bunch of either pi$$ed off s/h or dusbious characters looking trying to make the company look bad for financial gain? And after DEEPLY relfecting on the situation and taking everything into conideration, i've come to the following conclusion. Imho, it must be the a combo of the latter and i'll give my reasoning below.
Due to very strong Copper prices & the fact the stock has been solidily holding its ground, wihtout internal factors being ,ade public just yet, it MAY have brought forth some unintended frustrations among those who probably wanted it a lot cheaper. Most likely day & swing traders thirsting after it. Thus the proliferation of many dubious characters on this forum recently AND the introduction Mr. Patchh's ridiculously detailed posts of pending disasters for the company. Quite the 360 for Mr. Patchh's opinions regarding the mine itself just one year prior to this day. Who i fully understand that even though doesn't like mgmt or it's actions over the years, was quite taken with the future prosepct of the mine itself. Funny thing though, even though there's been a revolving door or numerous managers & people with this comany, the mine itself never actually changed & has actually made some significant progess.
So what's really up here? Like i said, i could be a real case of some folks just venting their frustrations on public forums or some other MO. I'll take a pagr from Freud here, you could easily understand simple creatures like Bog$hit for example, who depending on what side of the bed he wakes up or if it's sunny rainy could give you a different takes on the same situations presented, because it's easy to undertstand a simple mind & motive for people like him. But when it comes to folks who suddenly change thier routines & suddenly present themselves with seems to be like credible info at certain places, it is difficult to exactly pin point their reasoning or motives for bashing a certain invesmtent, when the evidence itself doesnt exist or isn't being presented just yet. Are they being truthfull here or just plain deceptive? I'll leave that judgement up to each individual investor here, just as i've made my own choice.
So in the end here my friends, my view on this investment hasn't altered on bit. I still personally reccommend you don't sell at this time and actually encourage you to buy at these levels, depsite the many dubious characters & posts infiltrating this message board saying othewise. I've been quite clear & transparent on my reasoning why you should and anyone is free to research & access my posts on the subject. Contrary to some here, i've got abolutely nothing to hide. As for Nevada Copper itself, still awaiting that infamous update regarding the many irons in the fire they need to deal with, hopefully some of those igots will be hot enough to propel the stock much higher in the coming weeks. For now, i see nothing but blue skies for the company, so until something factual is presented by mgmt to change that perspective, i'll just keeping holding on to my investment at this time.