Response to Mr. PatchhI think i reply to Mr. Patchh is truly warranted & earned for his civility with regards to his repsonse, contrary to certain OTHER folk, who continue babbling nonesense who don't deserve any attention or mention. So here's my "honest" reply to Mr. Patchh.
"i live about 50 miles away.. we are tired of the gains looted in these shamm-scamm finance pakages. as a long term resident and shareholder of nevada... i don't want to see this stork go aboue a dollar going past june of 2022. i want Vlad or Payla to simply get out - sell the company to a suitable owner who has the funds needed to continuations of development..its extremly resentfull to have 65% of your equity transferred to insiders and scamm private mine partners who own or run mines of no comparison to NCI..time for Vlad to Bail.. he has some good legacy - but partnering w Scotia Bank has been end times for the retail investors. they ain't coming bak - i don't care what the price of copper emitts.."
First, trust me when i telly you that i fully understand your "frustratations" with this investment & this company & the folks involved with it. I figured (as much) that these issues & ensuing emotions were an intergral PART of your overall commentrary here. I'm telling you this not because as an emtpy statement just to say so with no meaning, but for the simple reason i've experienced this type of "situation" myself with a few investments of my own over the many years. So TRUST ME i understand you COMPLETELY
The problem i have though with the steps you've taken, is the act of venting you frustrations on this forum, you "might" have some unintended consequences & some colllateral damages you might not have taken into full consideration. If you are not being totally truthfull with the information that you've posted. With the level of detail from the commnentary you've been posting, it's quite clear that either it's complete, utter BS OR there might be SOME hint of truth to it at some level. Again, if the latter, i figured as much that at the very least, you may have had some distant contact with someone who knows "certain" things OR could be in close proximity, as you've stated yourself. Or maybe both, i'm not really sure at this time.
The point being, that if you are doing this out of emtional frustrations you feel towards those who control the company, those that haven't been total honest or fulfilled your expectations over the years and which have ultimately led to personnal financial losses, you better make absolutely certain of what your posting. Why? Because if you haven't fully vetted the info coming across your path, you could possibly create more unfortunate victims like yourself and deprive those innocdent people of a lucrative opportunity. Do you understand what i'm getting at? So my advice is this, make sure the reasons you have for posting this type of stuff is well thought through & valid, because if it isn't you might end hurting the people your actual want to help.
As for the continuous manipulation by the major holders, insiders & others....this is one point we completelty agree on my friend. Anyone denying this fact is truly not knowledgeable about this investment or too smart, or maybe both. Unfortunately for us, there's not much to be done about it aside from selling all your shares and exiting the investment completely if you're that unhappy or frustrated with it. Sometimes, in some cases, that might be a better course of action for some if the said investment is causing more problems than it's worth. Especially if these problems extent beyond the financial and start proliferating into social & health aspects of your life. Just some sound advice from a fellow investor.
I hope this reply clarifies certain things & get my message across much easier for those interested in following this discussion. Please note that i have no ill will towards Mr. Patchh and understand his current predicament, hopefully his intentions are true & genuine for everyone on this board. The lessons to be drawn from this are evident, there's always a time & place for every investment. Sometimes these things work as planned, sometimes they don't. The most important & crucial point is that when they don't, we take important lessons away from the situation & we hopefully don't repeat the same mistakes. This is how we grow as investors to become more successfull over the years. As investors, sometimes those bad experiences change us as people, for better or worse, and which path you decide to take after that it all up to you. You can either be bitter, resentful and become oblivious & insensitive to everyone & everything around you OR just use your experiences to help others avoid those same pitfalls that have befallen you.