RE:RE:Give It Up Alreadyput us in our place? panic weakhands? Being investigated?
Just how delusional are you? Shorting is perfectly legal (i've never shorted this stock) and DOJ has much bigger fish to fry than a company that's sinking itself. I couldn't care less what you did with your shares but i'm sure going to make sure the lies and deceit of the lying lhama doesn't fool more people like you out of their hard earned money.
You muppets really shouldn't be investing your own money; this is getting really sad.
hevin wrote: Although I stuck these clowns in the Iggy box a long time ago I still want to thank all the more patient souls on here who repeatedly put them in their place and show new lifeist stock owners that they're just trying to panic weakhands and are likely short trolls. (Who may be being soon investigated by the DOJ)
Marski101 wrote: Randomtask a.k.a "Rambum" & SteveM45, give yourselves a head shake and get a focking life you two, such sad pathetic weazels on here everyday day just polluting this board with your stupidity that no one gives one f**k about. You both must have zero life outside of this board! Unreal!