forward strategies1. DNT will develop and run the mine - well not sure how many are out there that believe that is a good idea, even with non-existing pension funds that have lost their shirts already in 2011
2. DNT makes a PP and finances the PFS and FS of the new small mine design - well, ok but why should we exclude the higher valued large scale project option, and it is a waste if the buyer wants to to mine more than 40000 topd
3. DNT finances PP, FS of the small mine, and in a year starts drilling CS and QV if permits are available plus another PP - mmmh not sure if the dilution this creates will ever be paid back by the share price increase
4. DNT has two PEAs plus a PFS in its hand covering large scale and small scale mining operations and now focusses its work on discussing takeovers with mid-size and larger companies - this is what I would do, keep dilution to a minimum and try to find two or more interested parties in the project and sell it off.