LARGE FUNDS BUYING WCP - CARBON SEQ. I believe strongly we are a dividend play or income play , and when they double the dividend at the earning release we will be right there with TC Energy , Enbridge , and even other sectors like Bell or BCE. I believe the earlier poster is correct in that the funds will come to whitecap , due to our negative Carbon foot print and possible revenue stream from this avenue.
I think that is why there is insider buying and I believe that we will look very undervalued looking back today
The upside to a higher share price is the CEO is wanting to add inventory , with accretive , bolt on aquistions . The higher share price goes a lot further with buying power if he chooses to issue shares for this purpose .
Lots of business build scale to attract a higher multiple when selling . I know it's a little far fetched but how many companys can he bought with 131 k flowing barrels with a 13 to 15 year drilling inventory , that will after purchase reduce the buyers Carbon foot print but add massive production . Would not a large world renowned fully integrated, or a large oil sands producer want that ?
Oil is good , it's good times. Grant Faggerhiem owns about 3 M shares . He is always adding. How does he capitalize or crystallize his life's work with out loosing face. He is a proud man clearly , he is brilliant , deliberate , and clearly has a path or road map in his mind. This man could of done a few things to bolster the share price , but won't throw gas on the fire because he is invested , gas burns hot and goes out as quick as it comes , he buys the forest so to speak so he can burn longer , and brighter. Longer term , higher reward.
I feel we are being built into a income behemoth , and this is going to bring a higher share price , and further to that consolidation is something on my radar.
We are the queen of the ball !!