RE:Lower SP Holdings It looks like Soleus is accumulating quite a bit.
SPCEO1 wrote: We just filed our ownership position with the SEC. Our holdings have dropped considerably from last year but I never placed any sell orders in TH. We had a client who had a 7 figure amount of shares in his account die a couple of years ago and when his estate settled last year, most of his heirs took the assets to their own money managers. They may still own the stock but Stewardship Partners no longer manages those assets so it is not in our totals any longer. We also lost some other accounts over the last year which accounts for the rest of the decline in our ownership.
We still own just under 4 million shares and are hoping this investment will finally start paying off for our clients (or paying off again might be a better way to put it).
Other money manager should be reporting their holdings soon so it will be interesting to see what shows up. AIGH reduced their holdings slightly in the fourth quarter but most other hodlers have yet to report.