indoor growingI was happy to come across this corp. I have 65 years of horticultural grow experience and animal husbandry. Soil science is complicated. I live in the edmonton area and so much colder than fraser vale.
So I build a completely insulated 8 by 8 by 12 foot enclosed modular with broad spectrum led lighting. That module is attatched to another same size polycarbonate greenhouse. This is enclosed with portable fence for container growing during summer months. Of course the fence can be made any size.
In these cold temps, 1 person can produce about 20 thousand pounds of food per year from one average cell. We use a propriatory mineral additive from 9 different deposits to remediate the recycled soil. This remedeation produces food at 300% more solid nutrient than most store food. Same with the taste. So 20 thousand pounds is the same as 60 thousand pounds normal store food.
Some use specific gravity rather than brix to test for total nutrient values.
Brix is just way to unreliable. It looks like the affinor tech will be great for fraser like climates. Ours is good for any climate. Total enery costs of one cell is about 250.00 per year.
I am glad I am no longer a lone wolf. There is a food shortage crises. This kind of tech will help. If I did not have my own tech, I would be getting my toes wet with affinor.