EIAMost important to start the environmental impact assessment ASAP as it will take anzyway two years to conclude. I assume it will cover the 80ktpd scenario part of the post 7 year PEA plan. So lets get out counting the shrubs. For those who like to calculate SP increases - assume that in 2,5 years we have the FS done with an NPV of more than 1 billion USD, take out prices might be higher than today due to copper price increases so lets say 45 % NPV at 8% discount and 3,5 copper, DNT would be worth +450 million USD, funny similiar to the value that was floating around in 2011. Lets say we end up with some more dilution and 350 million stocks out that would be about 1,3 USD or 1,6 CAD per share, now we are at 24 cents. Lets distribute this over 2,5 years this would be an average monthly appreciation of a little more than 4 cents per share per month or about 20% gain compared to the initial value of the investment every month - I like this idea and I promise I will not complain if it is a little less . If you want you can be creative about what Sur and QV would add to this, I leave this to your imagination, but it won't change the bigger picture too much (I would guess15-20 cents per share max if Sur is brought up to 4 billion pounds indicated and measured). There is one uncertainty that could have a larger impact - Castillo is dumped by then and a more mining friendly and functional government in place - I would give it an extra 50 cents in the share price.
GLTA and please make up your own mind.