Well Krammer…. It looks like you're going to be right on Russia invading Ukrainia. They say it will start with collapsing their communications and internet. The big question, will it stop with Ukrainia or will it cause a domino effect, pulling down large parts of the globe. This will be a great time to see how vulnerable Bitcoin is: I'm thinking this could bring gold as the safe haven of choice.
If I were to invade, I would give the US the finger and do it during the super bowl- that's what I would choose if I were a betting man.
I would also bet China would invade Taiwan not too far in the future.
They say History repeats itself...if not then it rhymes.... another conflict in the pacific and another in Europe at the same time...sounds so familiar....I'm hoping my imagination is just getting the best of me.
The truckers strike looks like it will be heading to US soon. And God know what that will add to our plates...it's time to loosen up: those that want to be vaxed are and those that don't....I hope the kids will be ok....I'm unfortunately right where I want to be: the largest gold field in 30 years.
peace and patience.