RE:We need WSB memes 8-K seems a positive sign. Why now? Why not when shares were at $12 or $14 or higher? Worth noting Chen has NEVER spoken of share price until just recently ('undervalued'). 2 years ago the shares touched $2.70 USD but Chen said nothing. But when the shares are 3X higher he says something? At $9 USD? He is also seriously underpromtional and most would probably agree has lots of integrity. Maybe stuff is cooking and he wants to be ready? He is being measured and not bailing. IOT growing around 40%. IVY launching. IP sales done. And so on. Look at the WindRiver sale and factor that and other items menbtioned, BB cyber comes for free as does IVY at this share price. There are other tranactions like WindRiver done at even higher valuations. And IOT is growing at 40%. WindRiver not growing at 40% and seems closer to 20%.