RE:What a disaster here.................People have forgotten, this was a seven cent stock. I believe it still is and that the real question should not be why did this stock drop so much from it's high but rather why was it ever up there in the first place. The answer to that question is; two shameless pumpers, Don Allan and Bob McWhirter. Mc Whirter goes on Market Call, repeats Don Allan's nonsense and actually throws out a target price that is one hundred times (I repeat, one hundred times) the price he paid for a boatload of warrents. A few months later, both are gone, along with millions of dollars, leaving thousands of bagholders, many of which have not yet realized they are in fact holding the bag. It's a sad comment on our regulatory system that those two can do what they did, and it's obviously O.K. with regulators.
To those left holding shares I offer this thought; Does anyone actually believe that if this company was anywhere near success, even remotely so, that Don Allan would after putting in 17 years, now retire and miss the opportunity to carry the ball over the goal line. I suggest that he knows that this company is in fact done.
This is,of course,only my opinion.