Volume charts can help youAs a pidly 42,000 shares traded that takes the 200 day average volume down 90%.....the 10 day average to 109,000....Volumes can tell you alot about a stock...this one was 121,000 for 50 day aveage....So folks i am the only one who i guess keeps track of this relationship to the decrase in volume in relationship to how many days left until they are expected to report....14 DAYS,,,,yes the great pumpers like Spider, Cashy and Topper cant wait for the results....now you might get that fluff relase to get you some momentum....but this comes in with a stripped bank account.....what will be the price first week of march.....Cashy moment will be how excited he is to have lost more money....with his buying a falling knife strategy based on no Fluff since Dec 21....yes its time to recyle year old articles