Oh Canada. What an amazing place to liveWhat is most ironic about this freedom convoy is that it's happening in one of the freest countries in the world. I find it really, really hilarious.
Brother, if you can park in front of the parliament, block access to the highest governmental body in your country, block major economic access and thus risking to starve some of your fellow citizens…for more than 15 days in a row…without repercussions or consequences…Bro, freedom doesn't go beyond that.
There is not one country on the planet that would have let this go on this long. And when authorities did end it this weekend, they did all they could to make it peaceful and civil to every extent they could. (when a hard smackdown would have been appropriate.)
The patience this great nation has shown with these fringe radicals has been exemplary and has gone way beyond what was deserved. The way authorities finally shut them down has been impressive and admirable.
And thankfully, for the rest of the nation, they know how to prevent it from happening ever again.
In my humble opinion, it seems to me that the protestors are already quite free and merely take it for granted. Maybe they should choose another name for the convoy. Or perhaps it’s time for them to move and live in another country where the beefs and concerns for that which they protest, will actually ring true, and their time will have had some meaning.
Oh Canada. I love living here and I thank the universe every day for it.