Folks I Haven't Always Dealt Smartly With Companies
meaning I would huff and puff and often say I will give them horrible reviews if I am absolutely displeased with them. You know what I came to learn if people value your business and you as a customer you would not need to huff and puff and stress about things. This is not to say you don't try to diplomatically and amicably try to work things out and come to a conclusion which you both think is middle ground fair. People will not hand things to you and you will need to do your part and put in the work. In all my stupidly immature dealings I would get worked up hot under the collar what exactly did that do for me zip!!! And after all that and threats to give bad reviews which hardly happened what did I do? The same thing I should have done more maturely which is exercise my anger in cutting off my business to them and move on. Folks by all means negotiate when you can keep your cool and wits about you but if you are stone walled not happy just don't deal and move on. I had been a long time subscriber to Fido had a phenomenal phone plan among the cheapest you can get. My brother ended up getting a fido plan but he didn't have a data plan. He found himself unwittingly going on what he thought was wifi and keeping in touch with people through things like hangout etc and somehow he managed to rack up $100 in extra fees. I tried extremely hard to negotiate with Fido and they did not make very much concession a bit. What we didn't know and no one once told him despite the fees being racked up over time was that there was a $3 upgrade that would have avoided all those inadvertent overage charges. We were both pissed as in a year that was only $36 vs the $100 and we were not given the option. As a result despite having excellent dealings with Fido pleading our case and doing everything for more leniency I said to them ok you not only lost one unhappy customer you lost 2! My Dad said what the hell do they care they don't need your business when they have so many others you are the big loser. I never found as good of a plan as that and actually ended up paying 5 to 10 more with another provider. I didn't care sure I lost economically BUT I did not lose morally!!! I was upset with Fido didn't wish ill but cooled off and moved on. Folks integrity is standing up doing the tough things whether you lose or gain. If we look monetarily yeah I lost big time but if we look at morally ethically no I felt I massively won. If I have a problem with someone that does not work out fairly in my eyes whether I economically suffer or not and whether the seller is someone who is the only one selling something but gives bad service in my dealings I would rather pay more as well as do without what they offer. Integrity is standing up making the tough decisions regardless of whether you win or lose as you are fully committed and fight for something you believe in not caring how difficult things are or the outcome just caring about what is important to you and what you are truly fighting for. You may be absolutely wrong that happens too but you still fight for what you believe in but better still if you keep your wits about and open to reason then rethink things and change what that fight is all about. Like I said if I fault in my heart of heart there is fraud here anyone of you starts a petition I would happily sign it. Regretfully I don't feel that way. If a company is not performing again I have only myself to blame if I waited to sell at a very low price point as well as myself to congratulate when I sell and make money. Folks when being in stocks as long as I have been I have been coming to see more and more as I stated above it is stupid for me to rant and rave. If I am dissatisfied simply sell my shares. At one time I was invested with xmg minerals as I mentioned as well as dynacert. Let me tell you about both of them. I made monies on xmg 1000 in a month but had I taken profit faster I could have made 10 times that. Xmg had in their write up an unverified claim about their lithium recovery process. How it made it to IROC I don't know but because of how it was worded and not being verified by an independent third party IROC forced the company to wrote it again not in a very promotional as a matter of fact way. The stock got torpedoed down and I sold full out claiming that the CEO who was held in high regards should have known way better for being that hyped up. People attacked me mercilessly saying that the company did a huge no no "don't let the door hit you on the way out" the company bounced back a bit but never fully recovered look where it is trading. Dynacert was promising strong revenue by years end about 200 million was the projected. People were waiting and waiting and waiting nothing for the first 2 quarters and then they started calling foul. Being me I said they have til years end. So the third quarter rolls by nothing I said the same thing. When it came to the 4th quarter the company said it had problems with one of its supplying partners and laid heavily blame on them saying they will take legal actions but not once did the company ever take responsibility for keeping investors in the dark about material news as saying look we are having problems with one of our suppliers and trying to get things figured out but our revenue may be off we will keep you informed. Nothing. I was pissed so much so I said on the boards if management can't take responsibility in keeping investors in the dark and is scape goating its partner even if a good extent is true how could you trust them. The company has had mixed dealings and people questioning it. It's products look decent but execution like xmg a lot to be desired. Even hypothetically I could make monies with these companies I refuse to touch them. Those to me were quite serious breaches that should never happen and there goes my trust. I never touched either since selling out. Folks I will deal with things quite harshly and will have no regrets if people deal badly. I do that most of the time I for whatever reason was not consistent with Mission Ready Services. Previous management had a $500 million contract with a foreign government to provide military body armor. There were tall tale signs things would fall apart as they were supposed to get an initial 50 million purchase order filled that was not happening and the deal was supposed to close by years end. As with dynacert time went by people myself included getting antsy. There were shareholders who asked management so what's the deal? Will things get done. Management was stated to say we don't see why not. Everyone waited and finally in the 4th quarter management said we are having troubles negotiating but still hopeful. I dumped my shares. First quarter last year the deal was breached and contract broken. The company couldn't sue for damages. A few years later I saw it acquire Unifire Inc. and was following the share price on what was a 200 million contract the shares were at a nickel I shook my head this can't be right. I thought twice and said what the hell. People constantly doubted I liked Unifire still do. The company tried to stay away from saying it was dealing with ppe for covid. The former CEO got fired and I was kind of happy. The equity has been plagued but reached a buck. I didn't sell because I ran my mouth and said I wouldn't less than $2 like over here I took the hit until finally saying I am not going to hand cuff myself and was open and honest about recasting what I said as I did here and like here I have taken a thumping but slightly up. The stock has yet to reach above a buck. Now if I was consistent I shouldn't have touched Mission Ready again despite being able to make monies from it. Why I did so unlike for the other 2 I don't know I gave it another chance but I felt equally upset with Mission Ready CEO as Dynacerts. Maybe I was more angry with Dynacert as they didn't claim any responsibility and pinned it all on their supplier. With a signed contract and it's breach I blamed the signee and was more pissed with them saying that Mission Ready should never do business with the mid east was a mideast country some think Saudi Arabia others think Egypt. I hold the same thought even though that is harsh and overgeneralizing. Ironically a police dept. In the US breached a contract with new management but they were fast to disclose it unfortunately as with the Mid East they couldn't get damages. It is long held Trump closed off proper opportunities and competitors are manipulating the share value I fully believe that to be the case now it is a battle of attrition in flushing shares out from manipulators to stronger hands. Like I say I don't lie on the boards I tell all things whether favorable or not to me. I can't explain to this point honestly why I gave Mission Ready a second chance and not Dynacert or Xmg I don't know. Maybe I loved the ethics of Unifire which they have a great story I don't know and overall even so they are a wholly owned subsidiary of a company I was not too happy with but having said that if new management was there when I did it I have less difficulty explaining but they were not the old one got forced out about 5 months that is the truth even though it doesn't look favorable to me in terms of consistency. I won't lie about accounts but keep in mind they are from my perspective and recollection. And as I said yes I made projections which to people other than those I trust I shouldn't. I have said this those projections I give my thorough reasons as to why I say what I do but I am talking as a lay non qualified person so it is only my best assessment people definitely don't need to agree and that is that this is from my honest thinking not to pump or mislead...they may come to pass they may not. In any case yeah that will get anyone into hot water..making projections is the kiss of death. Anyways something I need to keep to myself and only share privately with those who I fully trust. Ok my posts are too damn long and they are hard to read through especially when not spaced apologize on my cell which is 98 percent of the times where they are from I can't get the spacing and stupid autocorrect fill screws things up. Well these are some things I was involved with. I know these boards are not all about me and I really don't want to share much more hopefully you know a little more about who I am. Sure I do say I don't give a shiate but really honestly if I am typing this much you know that I really must do otherwise why bother right? Well 50/50. I am hoping you see a real person here and what I have said in terms of share management and why I will look short medium and long makes sense due to my hard knocks if those who read through these long winded posts can get something anything positive from them despite my biting words then I have succeeded. This my try to do what is right and maybe helpful well folks possibly among my promises I am yappy my passion bleeding through and who I am I love to chat about things I am passionate about whether losing money or will be hard to stop but a promise is a promise one I do hope to fulfill so if I ruffled your feathers good think about what I said be angry don't hate me dislike me prove me wrong stand up and act take responsibility nobody will do it for you. You make your own successes nobody and nothing else. Good luck all.